freethinker n. One who has rejected authority and dogma, especially in his religious thinking, in favor of rational inquiry and speculation.
January 21, 2008
Quote of the Day
"The mind is such a strange and curious beast, capable of self-deception... and we rarely see everything around us, even when we have our eyes open." --- (our very own) Cloudberry
Oh my! Thank you, Mark. The artwork is lovely. Is it yours? What a nice surprise! Cloudberry
The visual is an illusion I found online- it demonstrates how one's mind can deceive itself.
See how the image pulsates... but in reality, it doesn't. Your mind is tricking you into seeing pulsations. I tried to make it stop appearing to pulsate, but I couldn't.
We want to cultivate an environment for people to freely express themselves on matters like religion, politics, environmentalism, and activism without repercussion. We welcome anyone willing to engage in genuine conversation, willing to listen and learn from others, and to have a good time while we're at it.
This a place where freethinking people from the Greater Cleveland Area can come to share ideas, to make friends, to organize events, to communicate and to freely express the ideas they have.
Oh my! Thank you, Mark. The artwork is lovely. Is it yours? What a nice surprise! Cloudberry
You're welcome, Cloudberry!
The visual is an illusion I found online- it demonstrates how one's mind can deceive itself.
See how the image pulsates... but in reality, it doesn't. Your mind is tricking you into seeing pulsations. I tried to make it stop appearing to pulsate, but I couldn't.
Can't stare at it too long, I might freak out!
Clearly the mind trick didn't work on Cloudberry. Shay
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